Queen should NOT step down despite chaos gripping Royal Family – poll | Royal | News (Reports)


The Queen should not abdicate and allow Prince Charles or his eldest son Prince William to lead the country any time soon, according to an overwhelming majority of respondents in an Express.co.uk poll. The poll, asking “Should the Queen abdicate and allow the new generation to lead?”, saw as many as 87 percent of the voters, 51,568 people, saying no. 

Only 10 percent of the respondents, 6,056 people, said yes.

Out of a total of 59,523 voters, 1,899, the 3 percent, opted for the option ‘don’t know’. Respondents to the poll, which ran between August 14 and August 18, expressed their strong desire to see the monarch remaining on her throne for years to come.

One Express reader warned the Queen against stepping down during uncertain times for the country and the institution of monarchy.

They wrote: “I strongly feel that the Queen should continue as the monarch at least until her platinum Jubilee in 2022! 

“I believe, if the Queen quits, there is much possibility of the Royal Family collapsing.

“Because it’s the intellect, internationalism, dynamism plus farsightedness of the Queen which kept the monarch vibrant until today!

“Moreover the British monarchy is an institution admired by millions of people all over the world.” 

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Similarly, another reader said stepping down in the midst of the chaos sparked by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s decision to quit as senior royals and the following claims made by sources close to them would be dangerous for the Crown.

They said: “The Queen needs to hang on as long as she can because unless something is done about these two there will be no monarchy after her.

“They seem to be able to do exactly what they want no matter how much damage they are doing. 

“Prince Charles is not only allowing it but he is enabling it and from the looks of things his tenants will be paying for Harry and Meghan’s luxuries.

“The only hope is that when March comes around the Queen tells them they will be out on their own completely.


Meghan and Harry’s transition period is to end in the spring of next year.

The couple have been told they can return as full-time working royal by March next year should they desire to do so. 

Their behaviour and the terms of their departure are also to be reviewed in 2021.

While Prince Charles has been deemed by many voters as being too understanding with his son and daughter-in-law, a few readers believe Prince William should succeed the monarch after she steps down or dies.

One wrote: “The Queen should rule until she dies and then William and Kate should become King and Queen!”

Other respondents to the poll simply don’t want the monarch to leave her post because of her talent as a head of state and the appreciation she has been shown by leaders from all other the world.

One said: “I lived in a republic for most of my working life so I know the value of having a head of state who has no political power at all.

“The Queen has done a great job in that regard and I salute her for that.

“Now she needs a small team around her to carry out some of the work.   

“What she doesn’t want is a bunch of pampered hangers-on taking advantage of the family name.

“A slimmed-down monarchy is now called for to do the essential work.

“The others must make their own way in the world.”

Another added: “The Queen has seen a lot more than most national and international figures and endured, because she is strong. Unlike our politicians.”

The monarch pledged to serve the country for her entire life in a heartfelt speech delivered on her 21st birthday.

While many royal experts believe the Queen won’t abdicate, a few commentators reported claims the monarch may decide to step back from public office and make her son and heir Prince Regent when she turns 95.    

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