Regretful Trump voter disgusted by his handling of COVID-19 – (Reports)

“He has been a complete disgrace”: Regretful Trump voter disgusted by his handling of COVID-19

Joe Biden has opened a four-point lead over President Donald Trump in Ohio, which the Republican won by twice that margin four years ago.

A survey conducted by Your Voice Ohio found the Democratic candidate leading Trump by 46-42, and Biden seems to be peeling off some of the president’s past supporters in the state, reported the Columbus Dispatch.

“Donald Trump is ruining this country,” said Jodie Susi, of New Albany, who voted for Trump in 2016.

The 56-year-old executive for a national general contractor hasn’t liked much of what she’s seen from Trump’s presidency, and the past few months have only turned her further away from him.

“He has bungled the COVID-19 response, he has bungled the race relations issues,” Susi said. “Before all of that, he has been a complete disgrace. The only thing he has gotten right is the economy. The rest of it is a disaster.”

The survey found that Biden’s supporters in Ohio are more enthusiastic for him than Trump’s, and that could pose a problem for his re-election campaign.

“No Republican has ever been elected or reelected in American history without carrying Ohio, so there’s a particular burden on Trump and his allies and supporters to compete effectively in Ohio,” John Green, director emeritus of the Bliss Institute, which conducted the poll. “These numbers forecast a very competitive race in the state.”

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