Royal Family could play crucial role in Britain beating coronavirus reveals new report | Royal | News (Reports)


The report was published last week by the Behaviour Insights Team – a research body which advises the government on policy ideas. The BIT examined how Slovakia managed to conduct mass COVID-19 testing on a national scale.

The European nation managed to test 3.6 million people between the ages of 10 and 65 in just two days.

It resulted in 38,000 new positive cases being identified, the team added.

The BIT made a number of recommendations on how mass testing could be improved in the UK, including the use of “powerful messaging” to encourage Britons to “contribute to the national effort to save lives”.

The team said “powerful and trusted messengers” could be used to help.

The report reads: “Enlist the Royal Family, the cabinet, the parliament, and local government as supporters of the project.

“Reach out to the community to encourage them to get tested through trusted institutions and leaders (e.g. a personalised letter sent from NHS, local GP, or a community or faith leader).”

Already, members of the Royal Family have spoken out this year about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Britain.

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More recently, Prince William took part in a video call with businesses in Liverpool to discuss the effect that further lockdown restrictions could have on the city.

Natalie Haywood, a business owner who participated in the call, told the Duke was “extremely empathetic”.

She added: “He was very focussed on the wellbeing of things and spoke of the mental health catastrophe Britain will face if people aren’t allowed to experience social aspects of their lives.”

The BIT report also suggested the government should hand out wristbands to people who have tested negative for the virus.

It said: “Along with certificates, distribute paper wristbands to all people who tested negative for easier recognition of whether they can enter venues.”

In Slovakia, those who tested negative for the virus were issued with paper certificates which allowed people to go to the shops or work.

To further encourage people to take part in mass-testing programmes, the team suggested “lotteries and partnerships with local businesses” as “rewards”.


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