Scotland Coronavirus news: Nicola Sturgeon’s top aide admits COVID-19 test ‘a bit rubbish’ | UK | News (Reports)


Jason Leitch told a web Q&A for members of the business body FSB Scotland that people can be shedding the virus for up to six weeks after becoming infected. Mr Leitch added that science is constantly trying to improve the current test.

“So the test we have just now is a bit rubbish, and the science is trying to improve that test all the time.”

In the web Q&A, he said of the flaw in test: “That’s why you hear us talk about testing a lot.

It’s very important, but it’s not the only important thing.”

Yesterday Matt Hancock suffered a brutal attack on the Government’s “failing” test and trace system by Sky News’ Kay Burley following the reintroduction of strict social distancing rules.

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“You have to accept that at this stage test and trace is failing.”

Mr Hancock replied: “I completely reject that accusation.

“We have the biggest testing system per head of population of all the major countries in Europe and we bult it essentially from scratch.

“Right now, we have the highest capacity for testing that we have ever had, it has increased compared to last week.

“That testing means that we can find these cases and therefore help to keep the virus under control with the contact tracing system as well.”

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