Second large donation to fund school’s major IT project


Friends of Gosforth School (FOGS) has received a further £3,000 donation from LLWR to help finance the purchase of 16 iPads for students.

The group is in the final stage of a three year plan, initially to purchase 60 iPads and the infrastructure required to allow them to function in and around the primary school.

LLWR donated £3,500 to the scheme in 2019 and the funding has helped the school ensure that disadvantaged youngsters with no access to personal computers at home receive equipment amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teachers have been able to send work via the school app to be completed at home, and also relay key messages around COVID guidelines.

Rachel Jones, Chair of FOGS, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded £3,000 by LLWR this year, in our third year and final phase of our IT Funding Project.

“This will allow us to purchase additional iPads for use by the pupils and teachers on a daily basis, giving access to a broader range of activities to engage the children and deliver positive learning and results.

“The kids have loved completing a wide variety of IT activities which have enhanced their learning of core curriculum subjects. The iPads have allowed the pupils to work in small groups or pairs to complete coding, make videos and explore other means of recording their work and achievements.”

The latest FOGS target is to fund 66 iPads, ensuring one per two pupils, plus one for each teacher, and 50 have so far been purchased, plus a Mac Mini, and the school wi-fi has been upgraded at a cost of £2,100.

“Increasing the number of iPads we have in school is particularly important to us this year to help us use the equipment COVID safely and reducing the number of children needing to share equipment,” Rachel added.

FOGS is a charity comprising volunteer parents and community members, plus school representatives, launched to raise funds to enhance the learning experience of pupils.

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