Sellafield Ltd employees spread Christmas cheer


Our annual Christmas challenge usually takes place on the Sellafield site and offices in Cumbria and around its Warrington offices, which are based in Birchwood.

This year, instead of collecting a mountain of presents, we’ve had to improvise due to the pandemic, but our employees still wanted to provide support to our local community, which is needed now more than ever.

Employees have been supporting CFM’s ‘Cask4Kids Mission Christmas’ appeal, to make sure every local child wakes up with a gift on Christmas day.

The company has also provided a donation of £10,000 to Family Action, to support presents for families, who are referred to them, in both Copeland and Allerdale boroughs.

Family Action have been working with local councillors and partner agencies in making sure families aren’t duplicated when receiving gifts and that families aren’t being missed.

Kerry Jewell, child and family support manager, Copeland Borough Council, said:

As well as providing gifts for children, Family Action also aim to increase community resilience by reducing financial hardship, benefitting the whole family, by engaging with vulnerable families and signposting them to other relevant agencies.

The charities that our Warrington office supported were Home-Start Warrington, Neighbourhoods’ in Warrington Toy Appeal and Room at the Inn and the Y project.

Money and gift cards to buy presents for underprivileged children around Warrington were donated by employees at our Warrington offices.

The toys will be distributed across the town by Warrington Borough Council Neighbourhoods Team and Home-Start Warrington. Further donations of cash have also been provided to local charity Room at the Inn and the Y project, to provide support for homeless people.

The company has also provided a donation of £2,000 to Warrington Borough Council’s Neighbourhoods Team and a further donation of £500 to Warrington Foodbank, to provide vital support to the Warrington community over Christmas.

Lyn Mullen, projects administrator officer, Families and Wellbeing Neighbourhoods in Warrington said:

This year has proved to be very challenging for the appeal, due to people not being able to donate gifts through their workplaces and we have had unprecedented referrals through for support for families.

Thanks to Sellafield Ltd’s generous donation of £2,000, we have been able to ensure all children who have been referred will receive a gift for Christmas.

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