Sophie Wessex vs Prince Charles: Countess could scupper plans for ‘slimmed-down monarchy’ | Royal | News (Reports)


Ms Tominey is not the only expert to have questioned how Charles’s plans for a more compact royal unit may be affected by the rise of Sophie.

Managing editor of Majesty Joe Little has claimed the future king may be forced to ‘abandon’ his plans for a slimmed-down monarchy.

He told Ms Tominey: “Either the structure of royal engagements needs to be reviewed or they will need to bring other people back into the royal fold so they can spread the load more easily.”

Referring to how there were too few working royals in the 1940s and 50s, Mr Little added: “Back then they had to rope in Princess Alexandra and Margaret to do some of the jobs, but now many royal cousins are in their 70s or older and the workload back then wasn’t anything like it is now.

“So Charles either has to abandon the idea, which is unlikely, or review the workload.”

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