Stanley Johnson BACKS Matt Hancock’s Covid rule break: ‘It’s a free country!’ | UK | News (Reports)

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LIVE: Call for 'conflict of interest' probe into Hancock's alleged affair

Mr Hancock then announced today he will be self-isolating until Sunday after the NHS coronavirus app alerted him of close contact with an infected person. After the furore that the Health Secretary had defied the Prime Minister’s “stay at home” order, Boris Johnson’s father supported him. He said it was Mr Hancock’s right to go to the park as “we live in a free country”.

Speaking to the Daily Mail Mr Johnson was asked if Mr Hancock had made the right decision.

The 80-year-old father of Boris Johnson replied: “Of course he did.

“We live in a free country.

“We should be able to do that.

The Health Minister reportedly came into close contact with an infected individual last Wednesday or Thursday.

He was then alerted to this fact and revealed today that he is in self-isolation until Sunday.

Mr Hancock posted a video to Twitter from his home to explain he was self-isolating.

In the video, he said: “Last night I was pinged by the NHS coronavirus app, so that means I’ll be self-isolating at home.

“I am not leaving the house at all until Sunday.

“This self-isolation is perhaps the most important part of all the social distancing.

“This is because I know from the app I’ve been in close contact with somebody who has tested positive.

“This is how we break the chains of transmission.

“So you must follow these rules like I’m going to.

“I’ve got to work from home for the next six days, and together, by doing this, by following this, and all the other panoply of rules that we’ve had to put in place, we can get through this and beat this virus.”

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