Tens of thousands raised to defy Westminster and OVERTURN law to hold Scottish indyref | UK | News (Reports)


A fundraiser, aimed at raising funds for legal action to block a Section 30 order, which transfers the power to hold a second vote from Westminster to Holyrood, has racked up more than £150,000. More than 5,000 people contributed to Forward as One led by Martin Keatings to raise £157,840 at the time of writing, towards the ‘People’s Action on Section 30’ at Scotland’s highest court.

It would mean Scotland could hold a second independence referendum without receiving the permission from Westminster to do so.

Mr Keatings is seeking a declarator against the UK Government that the Scottish Parliament does not need a Section 30 agreement to hold a second vote on Scottish independence.

He said in a statement: “£155,000 was a massive target, and reaching it, a challenge of unparalleled proportions in such uncertain times.

“But what price do you put on the future prospects of the right to define who and what we are as a nation and to leave our nation to future generations, better than the one we inherited?

“And what price can you put on the enablement of the sovereign right, not to be the subject of political dictate, with respects to constitutional question?

“You cannot put a price on it, although those with vested interests might disagree.

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“The people backing this action have spoken. They have said that the ambiguity over Section 30 can no longer hang above them and this country.”

The Court of Session in Edinburgh will begin to hear the case on September 30.

The Advocate General, Lord Richard Keen, will defend this case on behalf of the UK Government.

But the case remains at odd with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who has previously spoken out against a “wildcat” referendum.

She said the Edinburgh Agreement, drawn up by Holyrood and Westminster in the previous 2014 vote, is the “gold standard” for holding a second referendum on the constitution.

Mr Johnson has so far refused to cave to Ms Sturgeon’s demands for a referendum on Scottish independence, telling her the previous 2014 vote must be respected.

He has pledged to “never give up on our incredible Union” in a direct warning to Ms Sturgeon.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote a letter to Ms Sturgeon earlier this year saying he had “carefully considered” the case she had put forward but told the Scottish leader she and her predecessor Alex Salmond had made a “personal promise” to honour the “once in a generation” 2014 vote.

He said: “The UK Government will continue to uphold the democratic decision of the Scottish people and the promise that you made to them. For that reason, I cannot agree to any request for a transfer of power that would lead to further independence referendums.

“Another independence referendum would continue the political stagnation that Scotland has seen for the last decade, with Scottish schools, hospitals and jobs again left behind because of a campaign to separate the UK.

“It is time that we all worked to bring the whole of the United Kingdom together and unleash the potential of this great country.”

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