Terrorist prisoners to get homes in new scheme as many struggle to get on property ladder | UK | News (Reports)


Lucy Frazer appeared on LBC to announce the news in which the Government is putting aside £70million to house criminals. She explained the worst offenders like terrorists would be put in housing run by the Ministry of Justice and less serious lags would be put into hostels for three months. Nick Ferrari blasted the move as many struggle to get housing or permanent residence as the Government appears to prioritise criminals. 

Speaking on his show, Mr Ferrari said: “For my listeners who are waiting on housing lists for local authority accommodation up and down the country and indeed possibly some of your constituents in South East Cambridgeshire.

“It will strike them as rather odd if you’re a terrorist and there’s a threat you might re-offend we’ll give you a bedsit but if you’re on the housing list we’ll do nothing for you, perhaps you can explain the thinking behind that?”

The Conservative MP replied: “Yeah, very happy to explain that because that’s not the case, we’re not just focusing on prisoners this is part of a bigger project the government has on. 

“You will see over the last few months all of the announcements that the community secretary has made about rough sleeping, £750m next year, £700m this year, helping homeless people into accommodation.

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“And (we) have managed to get 10,000 people into emergency funding and 20,000 people into stable accommodation. 

“So we are absolutely committed as a government in assuring that people get the housing needs they deserve.”

The Prison Minister announced new funding worth £70million to move those leaving prison to into accommodation.  

There will be two types of accommodation, one is “proof of premises” for the most extreme offenders like terrorists. 

This accommodation will be similar to hostels.

Residents will stay there for three months to give the local authorities enough time to put in place measures for more stable accommodation.

Lucy Frazer says that many leaving prisons have nowhere to go and could re-offend in the long-run.

Mr Ferrari said it’s “basically free bedsits for terrorists” with Ms Frazer adding it was either prisoners come out, re-offend and sleep outside your house or the Government does this.  

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