The Secretary of State has appointed Mark Beard as the DCMS lay nominee to the Church Commissioners for England’s Mission, Pastoral & Church Property Committee.


In a diverse career spanning 25 years, Mark has experience in the robotics, computing, and automotive industries, and in international banking where he was a managing director at Citibank.

In 2012 Mark stepped back from an executive role to pursue his own projects and to support and mentor those developing their careers in business, the charity sector and public life.

An active member of his local church, Mark’s interests include modern monasticism, writing, and building restoration.

Mark is married with two daughters. He holds a BSc in Engineering from the University of Reading and an MBA from London Business School.

This role is not remunerated. This appointment process was not regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments and therefore is not subject to the Government’s Governance Code for Public Appointments. However, in line with the Governance Code, Mr Beard was asked to declare any significant political activity undertaken in the last five years. This is defined as holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation or candidature for election. Mr Beard has not declared any activity.

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