The Secretary of State has reappointed Paul Roberts as a Member of Arts Council England


Paul held Director of Education posts in Nottingham and London, was a Director of Capita Strategic Education Services before joining the Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government where he was Director of Strategy and subsequently Managing Director.

Paul was adviser to UK government Ministers on the development of cultural education for young people and author of the DfE/DCMS-commissioned report “Nurturing Creativity in Young People”.

He has served on a range of committees at NESTA, been Chair of the Nottingham Music Education Hub and vice-Chair at Mountview Academy and Nottingham Contemporary.

He was a commissioner for the Warwick Commission on the Future of Cultural Value, the ABRSM Commission on Music Education and the Durham Commission on Creativity in Education.

He is currently Chair of the Innovation Unit and a member of the National Council of Arts Council England, where he also chairs the Performance and Audit Committee.

Paul’s writing includes contribution to “Organisational Innovation in Public Services” and joint authorship of “The Virtuous Circle – why creativity and cultural education count.”

Paul is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to Education and the Creative Industries.

This role is not remunerated. This reappointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments.

The process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The Government’s Governance Code requires that any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years is declared.

This is defined as holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation or candidature for election. Paul Roberts has not declared any activity.

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