Theresa May: Former Prime Minister savaged after brutal attack on Boris Johnson | UK | News (Reports)

Theresa May slams 'incomprehensible' travel restrictions despite vaccine success
Theresa May slams 'incomprehensible' travel restrictions despite vaccine success

In a scathing attack, Mrs May accused her successor of failing British values due to his UK Internal Market Bill and desire to slash foreign aid. She claimed this did not raise the UK’s position in the world and called on the Prime Minister to reject a system which sees “strongmen face off” against each other. Now Government ministers have hit back at the former Prime Minister, accusing her of throwing stones from a glass house due to her role in the Windrush scandal.

They also referenced her Brexit speech where she claimed: “If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere.”

One minister told the London Playbook: “Windrush, hostile environment, citizens of nowhere, who is she kidding about a moral failure?”

Another said: “Bit rich after holding hands with Trump.”

Mrs May came under severe criticism following the Windrush Scandal, during which Commonwealth citizens had been deported despite living in the UK for decades.

A review into the matter found 83 people who had arrived before 1973 had been deported from the country.

Mrs May, who also served as the Home Secretary between 2010 to 2016, was forced to apologise for their treatment.

Two years into her role as Home Secretary, Mrs May also issued her intent to create a hostile environment for illegal immigration.

Despite those controversies, the former Prime Minister criticised Mr Johnson for dropping the UK’s moral standards.

JUST IN: Theresa May BLASTS Boris Johnson as ‘moral failure’ post-Brexit

Mrs May also claimed the arrival of Mr Biden presents the UK with the ideal time to rebuild global democracy.

The Prime Minister caused controversy last year after introducing the Internal Market Bill.

The bill violated certain elements of the withdrawal agreement signed between the UK and EU.

It also threatened the peace process in Ireland causing Mr Biden to warn any trade deal would be off the cards if a border was created.

He said: “We can’t allow the Good Friday agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit.

“Any trade deal between the US and UK must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border.”

Last year, the Government also came under fire after it announced its intent to reduce foreign aid spending from 0.7 percent to 0.5 of the country’s national income.

Some have said doing so will cause a drop in investment to stopping global diseases.

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