Thousands of NHS key workers to benefit from new health and wellbeing pilot this winter | UK | News (Reports)


In recent weeks, experts have raised concerns over “debilitating” work stress suggesting there will be significant impacts upon wellbeing. But thanks to the pilot of a revolutionary online employee health and wellbeing platform, thousands across London are set to benefit from increased wellbeing provision. The platform – Juice – is the backbone of a new NHS cooperative launched in partnership with HR and wellbeing specialists Everyday Juice Limited. Juice brings people together virtually through common interest and is aimed at promoting the mental and physical wellbeing of employees, boosting happiness, satisfaction, and retention.

Through the Juice NHS Cooperative, invested trusts will be able to share relevant wellbeing provision with one another, allowing employees to come together for shared learning, and online activities and events.

What’s more, colleagues from different specialities will be able to interact with people they wouldn’t otherwise meet during their working day.

Gary Butterfield, who co-founded Everyday Juice Limited, said: “Stricter lockdown measures have created increased risk that people will become lonely and isolated, so investing in a health and wellbeing platform which brings individuals and organisations together to engage is a major step in the right direction.”

“The Juice NHS Cooperative platform has really come into its own over the last few months, so it’s great that we can bring more individuals and NHS organisations together to share resources and broaden the offer.”

In February, West London NHS Trust and Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) teamed up to pilot the platform.

Now, a third co-located London Trust, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, has recognised the opportunity to enhance the wellbeing of its keyworker employees as they cope with the destruction of COVID-19, and invested in the cooperative.

Beverley Flint, Head of Business Partnerships (Wellbeing) at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, said: “When we learned of this wellbeing cooperative between CNWL and West London NHS Trusts, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation were keen to get involved.

“As everything is online at the moment shared access makes a lot of sense, but when we are allowed to meet in person the potential for shared activities is endless!

“Having shared wellbeing resources that our employees can access based on where they work or live will be a real bonus for all.”

The pilot will run from November until May, when feedback will be obtained from employees and noticeable benefits will be analysed.

To find out more about the Juice NHS Cooperative, please visit


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