UK welcomes Honduras’ commitment to the Global Ocean Alliance


Honduras officially stated its adherence to the Alliance on 31 August 2020, through a letter sent by its Secretary of Environment, Mr. Elvis Rodas.

The Alliance was originally launched by the UK at the UN General Assembly in 2019 to help drive urgent action to safeguard the global ocean and protect its precious wildlife. It strives for the ‘30by30 initiative’, which is pushing for at least 30 per cent of the global ocean to be protected in Marine Protected Areas by 2030.

Honduras has had a clear commitment to protecting the marine environment, by spurring various initiatives, from the development of shark sanctuaries and sea turtle conservation actions, to playing an active role at international negotiations on biodiversity.

UK International Marine Minister at the Department for Environment, Zac Goldsmith, said:

I congratulate and thank Honduras for joining the Global Ocean Alliance. Our shared ocean is facing unprecedented pressures, and together we are making a powerful case for increased protection.

The United Kingdom also reaffirms its commitment to working with Honduras to increase protect of its precious marine environment and wildlife.

Honduras now joins 29 other countries in this initiative, they are: Belize, Belgium, Cabo Verde, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Finland, Fiji, Gabon, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Kenya, Luxembourg, Maldives, Monaco, Nigeria, Palau, Portugal, Seychelles, Senegal, St Kitts, Sweden, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vanuatu.

The Global Ocean Alliance will push for the trebling of existing globally agreed targets so at least a third of the ocean is safeguarded in Marine Protected Areas over the next decade.


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