University lockdown rules: What does lockdown mean for university students? | UK | News (Reports)


University students would typically be returning to their university campuses this month to recommence their studies. Along with other residents in England, university students have been urged to “stay where they are” apart from a few exceptions. But now the third national lockdown has begun in England – but what exactly does this mean for university students?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson escalated coronavirus restrictions across England on Monday, January 4, in response to rising rates of coronavirus.

People in England are now facing their third national lockdown since the Covid pandemic began.

Mr Johnson has now mandated all English residents stay at home.

They are only permitted to leave their homes for essential reasons outlined by the Government.

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Students who are not studying any of the above courses should remain where they are wherever possible.

They should begin their studies online, as facilitated by their university until at least mid-February.

This includes students on other practical courses which are not included on the aforementioned list.

If students live at university, they should not move back and forward between their permanent home and student home during term time.

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Where students are eligible for face-to-face teaching, you can meet in groups of more than your household as part of the formal education or training reason where necessary.

Students should follow Government guidelines and restrictions.

They should socially distance from anyone you do not live with wherever possible.

Those who are clinically extremely vulnerable should not attend work, school, college or university, and limit the time they spend outside the home.

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