Vaccinators UK job: How to become a vaccinator | UK | News (Reports)


Vaccinators are a key part of the Covid-19 vaccine task force. The Pfizer/BioNTech has been approved by medical authorities in the UK. The vaccine has gone from concept to reality in 10 months and the UK has ordered 40 million doses of the coronavirus jab, 20 million people will soon be vaccinated. But if you wish to work as a vaccinator – how can you apply to be a vaccinator?

The UK became the first country to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for use today (Wednesday, December 2).

The vaccine was given to the first person on December 7.

The first person to receive the jab was Margaret Keenan, 90, from Enniskillen in Northern Ireland.

She received the vaccine at University Hospital in Coventry, saying she felt “privileged” to receive the jab.

Ms Keenan said: “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against Covid-19 – it’s the best early birthday present I could wish for because it means I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends in the New Year after being on my own for most of the year.”

Evidence concerning the Pfizer vaccine shows it to be around 95 percent effective.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has established a priority list for who will receive the vaccine.

READ MORE: How long does it take for a vaccine to become effective?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he was “quite emotional” to see the photographs of Ms Keenan receiving the vaccine.

He told Sky News: “It has been such a tough year for so many people and finally we have our way through it – our light at the end of the tunnel, as so many people are saying.

“And just watching Margaret there – it seems so simple having a jab in your arm, but that will protect Margaret and it will protect the people around her.

“And if we manage to do that in what is going to be one of the biggest programmes in NHS history, if we manage to do that for everybody who is vulnerable to this disease then we can move on.”

But it is not only medical staff who will be able to work as vaccinators.

Thousands of volunteers with no medical background at all could be trained up to administer the coronavirus vaccine in a bid to deliver the Government’s mass immunisation plans.

St John Ambulance will be one of the organisations delivering training to those who sign up as these volunteers.

The charity said future vaccine volunteers would “be trained to deliver the actual injection to patients”.

READ MORE: EU to wait almost a MONTH to approve Covid jab

The only criteria for these volunteers will be the following:

  • Must be aged 18 to 69
  • Must have at least two or more A-levels or equivalent
  • Be at low risk of coronavirus
  • Be prepared to undergo a reference check.

You can find out more about the volunteer and paid roles within the NHS vaccine team here.

You can submit an application to become a St John volunteer and help the vaccination programme here.

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