Where did the Queen go to school? | Royal | News (Reports)


The future Queen Elizabeth II was heir to the throne from the age of 10, following her father’s accession to the throne in 1936 as King George VI. Subsequently Princess Elizabeth received an education deemed suitable for a queen, which varied greatly from the education other children her age were receiving at the time.

Where did the Queen go to school?

As was traditional for members of the Royal Family in decades gone by, Princess Elizabeth did not attend an ordinary school.

Elizabeth was instead privately tutored at home with her younger sister, Princess Margaret.

According to Britannica, much of Elizabeth’s education was overseen by her mother, the Queen Mother.

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History reports it was the Queen Mother who instilled in Elizabeth her devout Christian faith and understanding of her royal role.

Elizabeth’s grandmother, Queen Mary, is also thought to have taught Elizabeth and Margaret about some aspects of royal etiquette.

Much of Elizabeth’s early education was overseen by her governess, Marion Crawford, whom Elizabeth and Margaret called Crawfie.

As the future Queen, Elizabeth received an extensive education on British constitutional history and the law.

Many of the Queen’s children and grandchildren have also opted to gain themselves a university education.

Prince Charles read anthropology, archaeology and history at Trinity College, Cambridge, becoming the first heir to the British throne to receive a university degree.

Charles earned himself a 2.2 degree from the prestigious institution, and even studied for a term at Aberystwyth University to learn the Welsh language.

Prince Edward also attended Jesus College, Cambridge, while Princess Anne and Prince Andrew decided to forego university and pursue careers in equestrianism and the Navy respectively.

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