Working to tackle the effects climate change in Least Developed Countries

The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP

Thank you Prime Minister Tshering, and indeed the whole LDC Group for inviting me to join you at this event.

And for the work that you do to tackle the climate crisis.

Thank you also for Bhutan’s historic pledge to remain carbon neutral.

And indeed for the NDCs announced today.

I’m very pleased to say that the UK announced its NDC last week and as you will know, we have committed to cut the UK’s emissions by at least 68 per cent by 2030 on a 1990 baseline. This keeps us on a pathway to a 2050 Net Zero target.

When I spoke to you in September, I emphasised the need for all of us to work together. And I believe that this event and the Climate Ambition Summit the UK is co-hosting on the 12th December, will very much help to boost ambition around the world.

The ambition you have shown today will encourage others to announce strong commitments at our Summit on Saturday.

Commitments on emissions, on adaptation and on finance.

And as I said to you in September, I am totally committed to the $100billion goal.

To making finance much more accessible.

And to championing locally-led adaptation.

At the Climate Ambition Summit on Saturday and at events throughout the coming year, I will be highlighting that adaptation is very much a shared priority.

And I will be calling on donor countries to honour their climate finance commitments.

As you know, the UK has committed to doubling its International Climate Finance to £11.6 billion over the next five years.

And I am pleased to say that there has been progress globally. There’s been a 10% increase between 2017 and 2018.

But we know there is more to do.

To make the $100 billion a reality.

To make finance more accessible.

And to get it to address the right challenges, particularly adaptation.

So the UK continues to support programmes like LIFE-AR. Which, led by you, the LDC countries, gets funds to a local level.

In September, I also committed to making sure that your views are heard.

Since then, we have convened the COP26 NGO Group of Friends on Adaptation and Loss & Damage.

And we hear your call to the world to increase its focus on averting, minimising and addressing loss and damage.
In the new year, we will be holding further events to discuss the issues that matter to vulnerable countries.

And, over the next year, I want to engage with all of you to discuss your priorities for COP26.

And to continue to work together.

So that we can release the full potential of the Paris Agreement in Glasgow.

Thank you.

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