Australian States Re-Open Skilled Visa Nomination Program for 2020-2021

Australian States Re-Open Skilled Visa Nomination Program for 2020-2021

Australian States Re-Open Skilled Visa Nomination Program for 2020-2021

PoliticMag Press Release : September 11, 2020

Congratulations! The Australian states and territories are gradually re-opening their Skilled Visa Nomination Program for the financial year 2020-2021. Due to the corona outbreak, some of the states and territories had suspended the entire process, that is now being re-opened so that the aspiring candidates fulfil their dream of getting the Australian PR.

Some of the states and the territories that’ve re-opened the skilled visa categories are mentioned as follows:

The state of Victoria has now opened its nomination program for the Skilled Nominated Subclass 190 and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 491. So, you can now apply under any of the categories that best suits your requirements. The state also mentioned that it will change the way of selecting the applicants, so as to curb the spread of the deadly virus.

Also, keep in mind that the Victorian State will only accept your application if your Registration of Interest (ROI) showcases that you’re working in the field of medical and research, thereby contributing towards the economic recovery of the Australian Economy.

This state has recently announced that it will send limited invitations in some of the selected occupations. It has made a list of occupations that’re vital for the state’s economic recovery, the most important of which are health, communication technology, information technology and Engineering.

The state also advised that it will make certain adjustments in the selection criteria if more invitations will be received. Now, the main focus of this state is to help bring Australia back on its track. As far as this year is concerned, this country is focusing on the candidates who’re into the field of medical research.

  • Australian Capital Territory

As per the latest news, ACT announced that it will conduct the next invitation round before September 13, 2020. Have a look at the temporary changes in this program:

  1. Now in the year 2020-2021, ranking and selection will be more focused on territory residents who possess the skills that can contribute to the country’s economic recovery.
  2. For overseas applicants, Canberra Matrix has been closed.
  3. The occupations in the Critical Skills List might be capped and no further application will be received beyond the set cap.

To assist the state’s economic and public health recovery, South Australia is also accepting a limited number of applications for the General Skilled Migration Program. Certain critical sectors have been released to support the country’s public health recovery in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. So, if you want to apply, you can have a look at the critical sectors that’ve been selected by this state.

This state has introduced certain parameters such as:

  1. Priority will only be given to the applicants in the critical roles
  2. For the Business Visas, priority will be given to the high-quality nominations
  3. The applicants who’re currently in Australia have more chances to get a nomination from the state. Also, they must be in critical roles.

The Skilled Migration category always aimed at skilled immigrants who wish to reside and work in the Kangaroo land on a permanent basis. Being the most in-demand visa category, many applicants are applying under this category. So, in order to cope up with the deadly pandemic situation, the Australian Government and the states took some measures so that they can bring the economy back on its track.

Want to immigrate to Australia this year? Well, it’s time to check your eligibility and apply under the best category that suits your interest. Fill in the free online assessment form and check your eligibility in no time. Good Luck!


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