Brand new foundation launches with funds of up to £10,000 to benefit the local community of Pontypridd and the individuals who reside within it.

Brand new foundation launches with funds of up to £10,000 to benefit the local community of Pontypridd and the individuals who reside within it.

Brand new foundation launches with funds of up to £10,000 to benefit the local community of Pontypridd and the individuals who reside within it.

PoliticMag Press Release : November 06, 2020

Pontypridd has recently seen a surge in investment through new developments in the local community which after years of decline is more than needed, however the town has been hit by floods and Covid-19 lockdowns throughout 2020 which has had and continues to have an advert affect on the community and the individuals who reside within it.

Which makes now the perfect time to launch and open the doors to this brand new foundation, whose mission is to help change the lives of individuals who live in the local community and the local community as a whole. The Baker Wilkins foundation will be providing funding to individuals who wish to start their own businesses, funding to existing businesses who need support in these current times, mentoring and support to those individuals who wish to start/grow their own businesses and funding local community projects that will benefit the lives and environment of the local community.

Individuals and organisations will be able to apply for funding of up to £10,000, additional support is also available through mentoring.

The foundation trustees have a wide and broad range of knowledge and backgrounds, bringing those from all walks of life together to help facilitate real change in the local community of Pontypridd and the lives of those who reside within it.

Founders Jane & Lloyd Baker said on the launch “Whilst we no longer reside in Pontypridd it will forever hold a special place in our hearts, it’s our hometown and whilst we’ve created and built a hugely successful life and multiple 7 figure business for ourselves we know the same can’t be said for many of those who live within the town, watching the news this year of the floods and the wider impact that the lockdowns have had on the local communities, businesses and job market spurred us on to take this dream and bring it to life. We’re excited to be able to help others carve out a life they love, achieve the success they dream of and give back to our hometown improving it for every generation now and in the future.”

The foundation will be funded via a % of profits generated by the founders business.

You can declare your interest in receiving funding or support from the foundation by completing the form available on our website. For anyone interested in being a potential trustee there are a couple of spaces that remain open on the board and the application can also be found on the foundation website.

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