PoliticMag Press Release : September 11, 2020

Endurance Learning has launched the world’s first rapid design software that allows anyone to build an engaging, facilitated virtual training in a matter of minutes. Soapbox (www.soapboxify.com) allows you to design your objectives-based presentation and generate slides, handouts, and a facilitator guide with detailed activity instructions for online or in-person training in under 10 minutes.

High-Quality Virtual Training Activities, Simple and Fast

With Soapbox, you begin by entering a few simple facts your presentation (the length, how many people will attend, what platform you will be using to present, and the objectives of your presentation), and with the click of a button, Soapbox will generate your presentation complete with activities, instructions, a facilitator guide, handouts, and a PowerPoint slide deck. Soapbox takes the guesswork out of virtual instruction and creates engaging presentations that will leave your audience singing your praises.

One early adopter commented: “Soapbox is great fun. It would be very easy for those who don’t do instructional design regularly to jump in, get it done, and have a good adult learning experience.”

“Several years ago, we began to brainstorm ways that could automate the instructional design process so that anyone could quickly put together a training session,” recalled Brian Washburn, CEO and co-founder of Endurance Learning. “When we conducted our beta test, some users reported that Soapbox could save them 8 hours or more in putting together a presentation. That’s 8 hours that they could be spending doing other things for their company – making sales calls, coding software, problem-solving, leading their teams – whatever they are actually paid to do by the company. Most people who deliver presentations are actually hired by a company to make money in ways other than training. Putting together engaging training sessions has traditionally gotten in the way of people’s ‘day jobs’.”

After using the software, another beta tester remarked, “This literally builds your facilitator guide. That’s amazing!”

Be Prepared for Your Next Zoom Session

Thanks to the new virtual functionality, Soapbox will help you design activities for and lead your next Zoom meeting with ease. With access to hundreds of virtual activities, your online learners will be able to interact with your content like never before. For trainers who are new to the virtual training environment, Soapbox will tell you what capabilities your platform of choice has and will expertly craft a presentation utilizing the correct tools to match your system. Feeling uncomfortable with breakout rooms? No worries, Soapbox allows you to easily swap out any suggested activity for an activity that may be more in your comfort zone. No matter whether you are creating new content for online delivery, or working to convert pre-existing content to virtual, Soapbox can be a virtual training designer.

The best way for you to see how Soapbox can save you considerable time is to sign up for your free 14-day trial at soapboxify.com/pricing. No risks, high rewards!

Endurance Learning

Endurance Learning was founded by instructional designers with a deep background in adult learning. Endurance Learning has leveraged its deep experience developing custom in-person, virtual and elearning create Soapbox. Above all else, Endurance Learning believes that every learning experience should be designed to produce sustainable change.


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