Exclusive Presale – Revelations life in a religious sect in the 60’s and 70’s
PoliticMag Press Release : November 30, 2020
“They called it being “deployed” and everyone 12 or older was concerned.”
Casablanca, Morocco – November 30, 2020 – Ali Anthony Bell, author of the adult fiction novel “From the Rockies to the Windy City”, a half a century after the events, has finally shared this incredible autobiographical voyage through years of living in a religious sect in the USA.
This is a fiction novel based on real events in the author’s life. It is the story of a major life upheaval, a culture shock in the author’s own country, and a glimpse into the times and culture of the 60’s and 70’s in the USA. Release Date: December 11, 2020, to major retailers, but the ebook is available NOW at #Smashwords for immediate purchase and reading!
Synopsis: A young white American boy, the son of a preacher, experiences an enormous culture shock when his family moves from the Blackfeet Native American Reservation at the foot of the Rocky Mountains to join a religious sect in the inner-city Black ghetto on the West Side of Chicago in 1969. The main message of the story is that every single life experience is necessary to make us the unique individuals we are. The story is set between 1964, when the boy is 4 years old, and covers 13 years, until 1977, when he finally breaks free of the religious sect and flies on his own wings. Based on real events in the author’s life..
the author: Ali Anthony Bell is the author of 6 precedent works: “From the Red City to the White House”, an adult fiction novel based on real events in his first 2 years in Morocco, “In the Lion’s Den”, a short story memoir teaching in Casablanca, “1983-1984 Surfing the Purple Wave, an adult fiction novel based on real events, “Little Things Which Make a Difference”, a collection of 33 articles published from 2015 to 2018, “Cherry Popsicle Day” adult fiction short story, and “Impove Your English! Change your Life!” , a self help book for learners of the English language.
All of his precedent works have had excellent reviews and 5 star ratings on goodreads.