FireVerse Post Up coming single on his Instagram

FireVerse Post Up coming single on his Instagram

FireVerse Post Up coming single on his Instagram

PoliticMag Press Release : September 25, 2020

Dancehall artist posted a upcoming single titled (In love with Reshena) on his Instagram story. fans being asking if it’s another single such as “You Are Amazing”,

Fans are please with style that the popular dancehall start present while some are not please, most fans are saying that FireVerse is Changing his style from dancehall to afro music, while some are saying afro music fits the star more , FireVerse recently comment on a comment a fan comment “that his love for afro music will never change because working with African musician such as Imanse , Mojelo , King Mexi, it inspired me to join a great part of the African music market.

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