How to remain positive in a pandemic

How to remain positive in a pandemic

Tara Best of Tara Punter PR, Mindset and Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner has shared her five-point plan on how to remain positive during a pandemic.

Tara Best is no stranger to struggles. In 2017, the immense stress her business was under led Tara to develop IBS and other health problems. She could have chosen to give up on her dreams and return to traditional employment; instead she invested in coaches and training and has since gone on to become qualified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy and Coaching.

For many, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years to date. Throughout, Tara has helped countless clients to achieve their personal and professional goals through reprogramming their thinking and embracing the Law of Attraction. Here, she shares her five-point plan on how to remain positive during a pandemic, in the hope that others can also benefit. 


Tara’s five-point plan to remain positive during a pandemic: 


Start each day by telling yourself at least five things that you are grateful for. This will train your mind to look for the good in each day, which in turn will help to generate more good things. Doing this regularly will ‘reset’ your filter so that you subconsciously create things to be grateful for and focus on the positives in your day. 

Spend time outdoors

Yes, even if it’s raining! Getting natural light has enormous benefits, as does fresh air and space away from screens and your desk. Taking just ten minutes a day (or more if you are able!) to step outside, breathe deeply and just be still will help you to de-stress, focus, and ensure you are operating at your best possible level. Without breaks, you’ll be on the fast-track to burnout. Time in nature can really help to combat our fast-paced lives and help us feel good if we are feeling low, which is natural to happen at some point in these uncertain times.. 

Get it down on paper

The unknown situations we’re currently experiencing as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic are bound to cause worry. Journaling is an exceptionally effective method for stopping worries from spiraling out of control and enabling us to take control of our thoughts. Getting your thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper via a diary entry, brain dump or a drawing is incredibly powerful in helping to make sense of them. Conveying how you are feeling through a different medium can help you recognise what you do and what you don’t have control over, and what is playing on your mind, which can in turn help you see how to move forwards or gain some perspective. Our minds are also like a container – they can only ever be 100% full, so when they’re full of fear, worry and scarcity, there’s less space for positivity, joy and abundance. Journaling can get those negative thoughts or feelings out, helping you see how to move forwards and making space for positive thoughts that are going to better support you as you go your day.

Plan in feel-good things

What makes you happy? Be sure to plan an activity everyday that you enjoy and make sure you always have something to look forward to. It might be a chat with a friend,  reading a new book, having an indulgent bath or it could even be an at home spa night in. Whatever it is, get it in the diary! We may not be able to go out and socialise but perhaps this is the opportunity to invest in some self-care, something which often falls down the to-do list in our ever-busy lives. 

Be mindful 

Always be aware of the story you are telling to yourself. If you tell yourself “I’m miserable”, “I hate winter” or “life isn’t good” every day, then that’s the tone you’re going to set for yourself. The way your mind works, is that it doesn’t know the difference between reality and what you tell it. So it will just assume you’re telling the truth and believe you. Your mind is also super powerful in that what you believe is what you achieve. So be mindful of what you’re telling yourself as you will just believe and then achieve it! The power of a positive mindset is unbelievable and is essential in setting you up for success. This is even more important during the current climate as it can be easy to slip and spiral into negativity. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, for example, ‘this is so unfair’, cancel the thought by saying ‘delete, delete, delete’ then replace it with a positive one. For example, ‘I am thankful I am safe and well, and I can work from home during this time’. Being mindful is a habit, and one of the most life-changing ones you can develop. 


Tara shares more tips in her weekly podcast, Tara Talks, and you can get more information on her website 


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