Italian Food Joy celebrates its fourth anniversary

Italian Food Joy celebrates its fourth anniversary

Italian Food Joy celebrates its fourth anniversary

PoliticMag Press Release : October 16, 2020

Two weeks for gourmands! This is the gift that Italian Food Joy has decided to give to its followers. Fifteen days to buy the best Italian specialties at a discounted price. To get free bonus codes of 5, 10 and 15 euros, visitors will need to subscribe to the mailing list, then thy will be given special codes to buy at reduced prices from 16/10 to 31/10 2020.

Italian Food Joy is a markeytplace where selected Italian producers sale their best specialties. Pasta, finely processed salami and cured meats, pastries, cheeses, risotto rice and many more. It was born in 2016 and today it sells in EU countries to gourmets and cooking enthusiasts, but also to very demanding customers. They often the marketplace asking for customized orders or looking for particular ingredients. And they find top quality products, used by chefs of Italian restaurants. This is why prices are a little bit higher than those offered by large retailers. But maintaining high quality has rewarded Italian Food Joy.

Today, thanks to these “Bonus Codes”, it is possible to buy at lowered price. For this reason, the period 16-10 / 31-10 2020 will be a party for all gourmets. Enjoy your meal!

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