New E-Book on How to Thrive as a Knowledge Worker through “Deep Work”

New E-Book on How to Thrive as a Knowledge Worker through “Deep Work”

New E-Book on How to Thrive as a Knowledge Worker through “Deep Work”

PoliticMag Press Release : December 26, 2020


New E-Book tells us How to Thrive as a Knowledge Worker through “Deep Work”

A new e-book entitled “15 Minutes Version: Cal Newport’s “Deep Work”” (Author: Herman P.) has been released on the Amazon bookstore.

The book summarises and analyses Cal Newport’s recent book called “Deep Work (Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World)” in under 15 minutes.

It is designed to be read by knowledge workers and professionals who want to keep their skillsets sharp in a rapidly changing economy.

The book also brings together various strands of thought extracted from Cal Newport’s other writings on the themes of: personal productivity and doing genuinely meaningful work. 

The book can be found on Amazon:

  • by searching for “deep work 15 minutes” as a phrase; or
  • by accessing the following page on Amazon:

By way of introduction, the author (Herman P.) writes:

Cal Newport previously argued that studying smarter was more important than studying harder.

Rather than attributing academic success to fate, luck, genes or overwork (as many people mistakenly tend to do), he discovered a set of unconventional strategies that are commonly employed by high-performing students from diverse backgrounds and not by others.

His interests have now shifted to knowledge work (reflecting his own transition from a graduate student to a postdoctoral researcher to a professor of computer science). The previous theme of studying smarter has evolved into working smarter as a knowledge worker.

The referenced title – Deep Work – is a well-written and well-researched book. It offers a countervailing view to the worldview represented by multi-tasking, open-plan offices and social media. There is more than a hint of concern that the world is overvaluing instant gratification and quasi-productivity and undervaluing meaningful work.

This publication has sought to clarify the parallels between studying smarter and working smarter and to appreciate the art of deep work in a more holistic fashion. Just as important, this publication has tried to lift the clouds of confusion over what the fundamental principles of deep work are.

[End of PoliticMag Press Release]


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