Nonviolence International New York And UNITAR Announce New York Graduate Plan to Establish More Peacebuilders and Diplomats


Nonviolence International New York And UNITAR Announce New York Graduate Plan to Establish More Peacebuilders and Diplomats

PoliticMag Press Release : December 13, 2020

The teams at Nonviolence International New York And UNITAR are calling out for more graduates to join the New York Graduate Plan as they seek to tackle toxicity and violence in the world one step at a time using non-violent methods like peace education and international advocacy.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a dedicated training arm of the United Nations system.. The Nonviolence International New York is an organization that heads the NonviolenceNY network advocating for peaceful solutions and helping students explore careers in peace education and international relations at the UN level. The organization provides mentoring, internships, and training initiatives to mold students into future diplomats
In 2020, the world seemed to have found record levels of toxicity and violence. The world needs peace and less toxicity now more than ever. Racism, radicalism, bigotry, fundamentalism, social prejudices, the misuse of technology, and new weaponry are threatening the very fabric of global society. Besides, global warming, climate change and now even a raging pandemic are conditions that the younger generation are growing up in without a clear direction. The need of the hour is social change and strong foundations for the youth of this world to become a global citizen and an advocate for world peace. Rising to the occasion is Nonviolence New York empowering Youth activism to vote for change.
After spending years promoting individual peace programs for the youth across the globe, The Nonviolence Network realized the need for a more comprehensive program that would truly accelerate a student’s career in line with cultivating a passion for peace advocacy through education. The desire has now resulted in the exclusive New York Graduate Plan, in collaboration with UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research). The program will enable a student to pursue a graduate level education with a curriculum that includes international law, peacebuilding, diplomacy, international relations and international law among others. It will arm a student with knowledge of how to be a stronger advocate of international policies that promote peaceful co-existence.
Students joining the online program will gain the opportunity of attending peacebuilding workshops conducted by experts at Nonviolence International New York, training sessions overseen by top diplomats, civil society leaders, and experts from organizations like amnesty international. The online program will give students firsthand experience working with the united nations on global issues as a part of the international community, all from the confines of a student’s home.
Nonviolence International New York is a 501c3 organization, Since 2014, the organization has worked relentlessly to promote nonviolent solutions to make the world a safer and peaceful place for all. It aims to cultivate and equip the next generation of future civil society leaders to make this possible. Joshua Kirshbaum spent the last 5 years working in 9 active conflict zones and collaborating with 15 top experts in peace and conflict resolution in the field to create the one-of-a-kind New York Graduate Plan Online that has no comparison to date.

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