Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide – Targeted Web Traffic

Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide – Targeted Web Traffic

Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide – Targeted Web Traffic

PoliticMag Press Release : September 23, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing for Local Businesses

If you do a little bit of internet business and want to use social media to grow it, you will probably come across a word called social media marketing or social media marketer. Join us in this article to fully explain what social media marketing is and how to use it to grow your business.

Today we see the emergence of various forms and types of marketing in today’s modern world. Seth Godin, one of the pioneers in the field of marketing in the world, believes that content marketing is the only form of marketing that remains in today’s world and social media marketing is one of the most important and main types of content marketing. . By relying on social media marketing, you can grow and develop your business and experience great sales. Of course, first of all, we need to know what social media marketing is and how to use it.

In the continuation of this article, we are going to explain together in a fundamental way what social media marketing is and what its benefits are, and finally, we are going to know exactly what a social media marketer or social media marketer does and what actions he takes to reach the audience. He pulls towards himself.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing in the form of digital marketing platforms and social networks and websites to advertise products or services uses a brand. Social media marketing is commonly translated as social media marketing and is abbreviated as “SMM”. Social networks are a platform through which a marketer can connect with their audience or potential customers, hear their opinions, suggestions, and criticisms, and build their own community.

SMM or social media marketing includes the following activities:

  • Presence on social networks
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Interact with current and potential customers by producing valuable and engaging content
  • Redirect real and organic traffic to website

Social media marketers or social media marketers prioritize the use of social media and know what a fuss these networks and media have made in today’s world. Today, a large part of the time of people in Iran and other countries of the world is spent on various social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, etc., and therefore if we can introduce our services and products in these networks, we can very easily Introduce customers to our brand and products and increase our sales significantly.

After appearing on social media, Social Media Marketer tries to attract its audience and potential customers and then offer its products and services to it. Once upon a time, marketers went to a company or store in person to attract customers for their products, but today the marketer sits down so that the customer can come to him and buy from him.

Social media platforms or social networks

It is interesting to note that many experts and analysts believe that social media is more relevant to the sociological and psychological sciences than to technology. In fact, if we want to say what social media marketing is, we can say that marketing is based on the needs of today’s society.

In a world of nearly 7 billion people, more than 3 billion people are active on social media, and that’s a miracle. Until a few years ago, there was no news on social media at all and people were not very interested in participating in it, let alone marketing it and forming a concept called social media marketing. Today, many professionals and business people know what social media marketing is and what its benefits are. Here are some very important platforms for social media:

  1. Facebook

According to 2019 statistics, this social network has 2.4 billion active users per month and 1.73 billion active users per day, and the age group that uses this media is 18 to more than 45 years old. Various industries such as e-commerce, retail, banking, financial and insurance services, entertainment, fashion and clothing, real estate, news, health, and sports use this platform.

This platform also has many fans among American users, but due to various problems, its use for marketing is less visible. It should be noted that Facebook traffic is one of the oldest social media platforms and has a set of different social media features.

Businesses can use this platform to interact with customers, share content, advertise, and support customers. This platform is mostly used to inform users the brand and advertising.

  1. Instagram

Instagram is one of the best and most popular social media platforms that has many fans in Iran and the world, and many of our country’s social media marketers open accounts for advertising on this program, and many Iranian users use only this platform. This platform is great for photo and video publishing.

Instagram has more than one billion active users per month, and the main age group that uses this social network is 18 to 35 years old. Different industries can use this social media to increase brand awareness, produce valuable content, and share it and advertise. It is also possible to sell products directly on social media.

If you want to become a successful social media marketer in our country and know what social media marketing is and how powerful it is, you can quickly learn the basics of working with Instagram and start your business in this media. We suggest you read the following articles to learn more and more professionally this popular social network and how to drive Instagram traffic to your website.

By reading the above articles and applying the solutions that are available in them, you can have strong and effective marketing on Instagram.

  1. Twitter

Twitter is one of the best social networks that is popular among Iranian users. The media has 126 million daily active users and 321 million monthly active users, and the main age group that uses it is 18 to more than 45 years old. It is used by various industries and individuals such as news, technology, e-commerce, retail, entertainment, travel, health, and intelligence.

Twitter gives you the opportunity to express your views on an issue in 280 characters. This social media is famous for using hashtags. With this media, you can introduce your users to your brand and share your thoughts and ideas with your audience. Businesses can make their content public with this medium.

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn has 675 million monthly active users. The main age group that uses this social media is 25 to 45 years old. With LinkedIn, you can find and connect with professionals in your field. LinkedIn is not a place to sell products directly, but it will be suitable and useful for advertising and users’ familiarity with your brand. This platform can be a good place to introduce yourself as an expert and share your experience and abilities with other people.

  1. YouTube

YouTube social media has more than 2 billion users per month who log in to their account on this social network and it is said that it has 1.9 billion active users. On this social network, you can post videos related to your business. Simply put, almost any industry can use this social network and show their desired videos to users around the world. 

This platform is one of the best video platforms for social media marketing. If you can post good videos your business on YouTube, you will understand what social media marketing is and what good revenue stream it can generate for you.

  1. Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the best social networks that provide users with all the necessary facilities for social media marketing. It is true that this social network is not very common among Iranian users, but it cannot ignore its high power in advertising and branding. According to recent statistics, this social media has 367 million active users per month, and it is really great for publishing images, and Iranian users will surely turn to it. For a better and more complete acquaintance with this social network, we suggest that you also read the following articles:

By reading these articles, you will get a complete and comprehensive acquaintance with this social media. Now that we’ve talked what social media marketing is and introduce you to the world’s top social media, it’s time to understand the benefits of social media marketing.

Social Media Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

Social media marketing is one of the best types of marketing and has many benefits. These benefits have made the social media market so hot that you can experience amazing sales through social media. In the following, we will mention the advantages and benefits of social media marketing:

  • Access to a large number of audiences

Everyone is wondering what happened that made social media and social media marketing so attractive and appealing to everyone? One of the main reasons for the popularity of social media marketing is that you can use this media to reach a large number of audiences. Earlier in the introduction of social media platforms, we said how many active users each network has. If you look at the numbers, you will find that by marketing on these platforms, you are actually dealing with hundreds of millions or billions of active users to whom you can introduce your products and services and increase your sales.

Nowadays, relying on social networks, branding is not a difficult task. In the past, a businessman worked for 20 years to get the people of a city to know him, but today, by appearing on social networks and producing valuable and attractive content, you are known all over the country and sell your product.

  • Continuous and optimal communication with customers

Another reason social media marketing has come to life and become popular is that marketers can better and more effectively communicate with their customers this way. For example, in face-to-face marketing, the customer did not always have access to you, but today, despite the social networking platforms, the audience and the marketer are always in touch 24 hours a day.

  • Creative and user-friendly ads

Consider the social network Instagram. Are the ads on Instagram comparable to the TV ads? The appeal of Instagram ads is so high that it fascinates users, but TV ads only attract once and change the channel audience a second time. Advertising on social media makes it much easier for customers to be curious your brand.

  • Eliminate geographical restrictions

When we were explaining what social media marketing is, we did not talk geographical and spatial constraints. In other words, your marketing is shaped by the social media platform. So, when you introduce your products and services, users around the world can see your features and services and buy from you if they wish. In face-to-face marketing, you have access to your entire city or province, but this marketing method allows you to reach out to the world.

  • Increase customer loyalty

You can increase your customer loyalty with social media marketing. If you produce valuable content, after a while you will find that the audience is very interested in you and has a strong desire to see your posts and content. When this happens and the audience realizes that you are useful to them, they trust you and when trust is formed, a purchase is made.

  • Learn from your competitors

Another advantage of social media marketing is that it can easily monitor the performance of your competitors on various social platforms and see what those of your successful competitors do on social media and how they produce their content. Now that we have explored the benefits of social media marketing and realized the benefits of this marketing approach, we want to see what a social media marketer or social media marketer should do.

Duties of a professional social media marketer

A professional social media marketer the first thing to know is that he must have a very good understanding of what social media marketing is and what its features are. Once he understands this, he should know which social media is suitable for what. After this step, he should design a great strategy for appearing on social networks. To design this strategy, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Examining various social networks and what has been done in the past. Competitors should also be examined, and their current position assessed.
  2. Set goals and define criteria that are important to us
  3. Research on the persona and personality of the target audience
  4. Define content strategy
  5. Determine what we are willing to spend to advance our goals. For example, we are willing to spend on influencer marketing.
  6. Competitors Analysis Tools and Monitoring, evaluation and optimization

Social Media Marketer will develop a great strategy and then act on that strategy. He or she should do everything possible to attract the audience and popularity of your brand and increase sales by producing compelling and timed content. Then evaluate its performance based on the criteria it has defined for success so that it can make the necessary corrections.

  • Training course to earn money from Instagram

Once we know what Social Media Marketing is, what its benefits are, and what Social Media Marketer does, it’s time to give you an engaging offer. This offer can make you a wise and capable social media marketer.

Are you familiar with the concept of social media marketing?

In this article, we tried to share the concept of social media marketing and social media marketing with you and tell you what the benefits of this type of marketing are and why it has gained so much power. We then described the tasks of a social media marketer. 

Please share your questions and experiences this marketing method with us and other users of the Academy below this post.


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