Texas CIO Partner Provides Innovative, Part-Time CIO services for Digital Transformation

Texas CIO Partner Provides Innovative, Part-Time CIO services for Digital Transformation 1

Texas CIO Partner Provides Innovative, Part-Time CIO services for Digital Transformation

PoliticMag Press Release : January 07, 2021


Texas CIO Partner is offering part-time CIO and CTO services to Texas small and mid-sized businesses. Often call fractional CIO services, it brings experienced technology executives together with a company’s existing leadership team to advance business goals.

Some of the sample projects Texas CIO Partners have done include: ERP selection, MSP Negotiations, Software Project Management, Monetization of Data, Cybersecurity, IT Budgets, Disaster Recovery, Digital Roadmaps and IT Governance.

“When the world changed in March, several things happened in parallel. The companies that had already invested in digital transformation projects doubled their ROI on those investments,” said David Moise, President of Texas CIO Partner. “Companies that underinvested in IT, or just saw IT as something to keep the Wi-Fi on, were at a competitive disadvantage. A lot of experienced talent was on the market. Many of these individuals were finding their own CIO projects. Texas CIO Partner brought many of these technology leaders together.”

“Small and mid-sized business executives wear many hats. The CEOs often have to become the CFO, COO, or CMO. Texas CIO Partner allows that team to bring in a Chief Information Officer and capitalize on their knowledge-base and experience. Many companies know technology can help their company grow, but do not know where to start. We know.”

“Our CIOs know the vendors, evaluated technologies and have taken projects over the finish line. They have been-there and done-that with IT. They can save you time and money.”

A fractional CIO is an outsourced individual who takes on the role of CIO for your business. They can work for your entity part time or on an as-needed basis. They can be especially beneficial when your entity is on a deadline to meet specific IT goals, such as regulatory and compliance requirements.

Texas CIO Partner

Texas’ #1 digital platform for connecting technology executives to reimagine the enterprise and reshape the business world. We have dozens of experienced technology leaders in our network ready to take on new IT projects. Our stable of CIOs / CTOs have worked with startups to the Fortune 50. The experience range includes software, infrastructure, cloud and project management.


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