Theya LeRoy just released an impressively cinematic love song

Theya LeRoy just released an impressively cinematic love song

Theya LeRoy just released an impressively cinematic love song

PoliticMag Press Release : December 08, 2020

Theya LeRoy – songwriter based in Falmouth, South West, UK recently released another impressive single together shifting her genre from pop and electronic music based to the blues and cinematic music. The track will bring you to the dramatic scene of the movie. The chorus is very emotional and the song is all the feeling of love. The single is called ‘Blooming Love’ and it is available on all main streaming platforms!


Theya is a self-released and self-produced artist who is also sharing her creative process and tips in making music with her audience on her blog, on her website. There, the single, an author writes: ‘I’ve been editing the song for so long, that it finally hit the final point – now or never. Also, with all the things going around in the world and the cold, rainy weather, I feel like we need some love songs, and this is what my piece is – love. Through all the song’s arrangement, I was trying to translate the feeling of it, when you are deeply in love, and I do hope I nailed it.’ 


Artist bio

Theya is a singer-songwriter who was born and spent most of her life an in Lithuania. The musician has knowledge in medieval, classical, jazz, pop, electronic music and is interested in using the elements of house and jazz genres in her songs, blending them with melancholic and sad lyrics. An artist is aiming to draw an image of emotions through her music. Theya’s first single – ‘I Opened My Heart’ as an independent musician was played on BBC Introducing led with promising feedback.


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