UniCreds – The Easiest and Most Reliable Way To Get Education Loans

UniCreds – The Easiest and Most Reliable Way To Get Education Loans

UniCreds – The Easiest and Most Reliable Way To Get Education Loans

PoliticMag Press Release : October 16, 2020

The road to overseas education is a lot more complicated than it is exciting. Throw in “overseas” to the fore and there are even more difficult decisions to make. Students have to take care of their university selection, student visa, education loan, student accommodation and much more, all on their own! For far too long, students have struggled to find easy and reliable ways of sourcing their education loans. Securing a reliable education loan remains the most difficult and tedious step in a student’s overseas education journey. The current ways of getting an education loan include rigid, outdated and cumbersome processes. One missing document and the loan application gets rejected.


UniCreds, an overseas education loan company, has taken it upon themselves to combat this age-old problem for students looking to study abroad.  


UniCreds is a unique consumer tech company that’s built upon values of reliability and convenience. It is backed by the latest technologies and utilises machine learning and data science, to enable students to acquire education loans in a quick and convenient manner. UniCreds has partnered with some of the leading education loan providers in the country that guarantee students the best rates on their education loans. What’s more, the services of UniCreds are completely free! 


With UniCreds a student can expect – 

  • No hidden fees
  • Up to 100% finance
  • Affordable EMIs
  • Lowest rate of interest
  • Zero service charge from UniCreds
  • Attractive tax benefits
  • Flexible collateral requirements
  • 24/7 service

UniCreds has a dedicated team of seasoned education loan counsellors, who will guide students throughout the education loan process. Besides having the assistance of industry veterans, students can also utilise interactive tools that are currently in the stage of development but will be available to students soon! Here are the tools that students can look forward to – 


Admit Predictor 

Use the UniCreds Admit Predictor to evaluate the profile for studying MS in the US. The Admit Predictor tool takes into account a student’s undergrad percentage/GPA, GRE, and TOEFL scores.


SOP Review

With the UniCreds SOP Review tool, confidently submit the SOP to your preferred universities. UniCreds’ proprietary SOP Review tool reviews the SOP before submission and highlights all your errors that could have jeopardised the application.     


University Compare 

The UniCreds University Compare tool save the trouble of scouring the internet for reliable information on the preferred universities. Compare international universities based on expected salary, employability, tuition costs, ranking, living expenses, odds of getting assistantships and much more. 


Loan EMI Calculator

Make a prudent estimation of the education loan EMIs with the UniCreds Loan EMI Calculator. Students can compare various education loans based on their EMIs and total payable interest.


Estimate Future Earning 

Use the UniCreds Estimate Future Earning tool to find out if studying abroad is actually worth it or not. Make the best effort-reward analysis with the Estimate Future Earning tool.

So, say goodbye to the mundane and cumbersome ways of getting student loans. Make the further education journey simpler by getting an education loan from UniCreds today! 

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