Worlds First Facemask Tested And Proven to Inactivate Covid 19 Now Available in the UK


Tests carried out by the Instituto de Medicina Molecular on the face mask attest to its capacity to inactivate the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

  • This joint project has led to the development of an innovative textile face mask, designed and made in Portugal.

The face mask has successfully passed all the tests carried out at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM; Lisbon, Portugal), which makes it the first mask capable of inactivating the virus that causes COVID-19. The industrial, academic and scientific communities have joined forces to work on this innovative project aimed at developing a high-performance reusable face mask made entirely in Portugal. This mask had already been certified as having antimicrobial protection and is now also capable of inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19.

The face mask, which is a result of the joint work between the manufacturer the technological centre CITEVE, iMM, and the University of Minho, is therefore the first reusable mask to inactivate the new coronavirus, that causes COVID-19. Considering the current pandemic, the aim of this project from the very start has been to increase personal protection, making technical apparel accessible to as many people as possible. Developed in techno fabric with several different layers, these masks are water repellent, comfortable, and easy to wear. Another major advantage of this innovative product is that it is reusable, which means that it protects not only people but the environment too as less waste is produced and further sources of contamination are prevented.

Tests carried out by the iMM assess how effective the masks are in inactivating the new coronavirus. The face masks feature an innovative coating that neutralises the SARS-CoV-2 virus when it comes in with the fabric. This protective coating remains effective even after 50 washes. As a result, due to the viral inactivation capacity, these masks offer a high level of additional protection.

Pedro Simas, virologist at iMM, was responsible for coordinating the tests that qualified the fabric as having anti-viral properties. He explained that ‘put simply, these tests analyse the fabric after it has been in with a solution containing a certain amount of virus and its viability throughout time. Testing on the face masks showed that the SARS-CoV-2 is effectively inactivated even after 50 washes, with a 99% viral reduction one hour after with the virus, according to the parameters for testing laid down in international standard ISO18184:2019.”

The masks also feature antimicrobial characteristics with proven effectiveness against viruses and bacteria, with accredited technology at international level. The active ingredient had already been successfully tested by the Institut Pasteur de Lille, in France, namely against the H1N1 virus and the Corona-type virus, and against the rotavirus.

The mask complies with all the requirements laid down in the new standardised European regulation, in compliance with the CWA_17553_2020 publication.

This product is also OEKO-Tex certified, confirming that no harmful chemical products have been using during the production process, which means it is harmless to the environment.

Another shocking discovery is when you breathe in a face mask for a few hours, you actually collect pathogens that stick onto the face mask“You can take that face mask off, put it in your handbag, touch your face and your child, and you’re actually spreading more disease.”

This mask will ensure you are not spreading the disease and are protected from Corona Virus whilst wearing it.


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